Sadly, there are more than a few potentially harmful myths about fire protection floating around the internet. It is important that business owners are able to separate the fact from fiction when it comes to their company’s safety.
Here are a few more debunked myths about commercial fire protection:
MYTH: Fire sprinklers do more damage than a fire.
TRUTH: Fire sprinkler systems are specifically designed to control an early fire while also minimizing damage. There may be some residual water damage, but it is better to have a soggy work area rather than a dangerous fire, costly losses, or employee injuries.
MYTH: The fire sprinkler system might accidentally activate.
TRUTH: Fire sprinkler failure rates are actually very low and accidental discharge is a rare occurrence. Sprinkler system components, overall design, and installation methods are all controlled by the National Fire Protection Association, or NFPA, to ensure quality and safety. Regular maintenance and inspections conducted by fire professionals can also help ward off any potential issues.
MYTH: A building is protected if it has sprinklers.
TRUTH: A fire sprinkler system is obviously a necessary and life-saving part of an overall fire protection plan. However, that doesn’t mean a building is fully protected just because they are installed. These systems must be well-maintained and regularly inspected by fire safety professionals to ensure that they are functioning in proper working order at all times.
MYTH: Manual fire suppression systems are better than automatic fire sprinkler systems.
TRUTH: Automatic fire sprinkler systems are the more effective option. Manual fire efforts should only be used as a last resort should fire suppression efforts fail.
MYTH: Fire sprinklers should not be near electronics.
TRUTH: Electrical fires can cause large quantities of very dangerous opaque, toxic, and corrosive smoke. This smoke can make using a fire extinguisher or other non-water based firefighting efforts extremely difficult and hazardous. Some people worry that sprinklers in an electrical room can present a “personnel hazard.” In reality, this argument is weak as the room/building should be evacuated before any sprinklers activate.
For information on protecting your business and commercial fire protection, contact the safety and protection experts at A Total Solution, Inc. today for your free consultation.